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With a customized PowerShell script, the IT administrator can deploy the CICB-Client (portable version) to all target workstations/OS/VMs. The IT administrator can set up the Server and Client on the same port before deploying all clients. The client installation package is all you need for a batch deployment. It includes …

Portal & Licensing

Setting/Group/Device similar to the user manual’s server section. License Type Type Work Email Verification Required Email Example Retail No john.doe@gmail.com Business Yes john.doe@abc.com Government Contractors Yes john.doe.ctr@usmc.miljohn.doe.ctr@fbi.gov Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) Yes john.doe@cia.govjohn.doe@dia.gov Free licenses for Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) Obtain License for Air Gap Add License(s) Enter a value of “License …


Setting Tab !!! WARNING !!!DO NOT USE [ ONLINE MODE ] IN SCIF OR SECURE ENVIRONMENT TO AVOID ANY SECURITY VIOLATION. Online Mode When it is online, all settings will use the “Server”->”Portal” tab settings.NOTICE: If the LDAP Sync setting is on, all online mode groups from the software portal …


banner.exe is an instance controlled by client.exe on each operating system. The banner.exe can be run on a single operating system with one banner for each screen and can add up to twelve monitors or screens. The banner also supports 100% ~ 500% display scaling settings. (Notice: the mix screen …


The client.exe is an instance that communicates with the agent.exe via a socket IPv4/port and a wired or wireless network. It controls each banner color and text separately. (e.g. workstation A has 4 monitors with 4 banners, and each banner could be a different color/text) IPv4 Reporting The client.exe will …

System Architecture

Structure Portal Entity Relationships From the CICB-Portal, the IT Admin can bind settings and clients within a group (also known as Group Settings). This feature allows the IT Admin to apply one setting to multiple clients instead of setting them up one by one. Data Flow System Components and Structures …


The Cyber Intel Classification Banner (CICB), also known as “Classification Banner”, “Computer Banner”, “Air Gap Banner”, “CMMC Banner”, “Army Unclassified Banner”, “Banner Computer Program”, “Controlled Unclassified Information Banner”, “CUI Banner”, “Computer Information Banner”, “Information Banner”, “DoD Banner”, “Unclassified Green Banner”, “Unclassified Banner”, “USG Banner”, “CUI Banner”, and “Clearance Banner”, is …