CICB Run as Service

NOTICEThe CICB-Server does not have the functionality to run as a service. However, we are considering adding this feature in a future release. In the meantime, here are some alternative methods to run CICB-Server as a service. Mehod1 (Recommended) Method2

Classification Color Code

CICB uses color codes for the classification levels used by the government and the armed forces: All text content (left, middle, right) and color (text, background) are customizable. [US] Department of Defense (DoD) NOTICE: According to CI Policy Publications Update (, the CUI is not a CNSI classification.The cyber intel …

Download License

Once you bought a license, the next step is to redeem and download the license.


  1. Find your Server ID from our CICB-Server -> About tab -> Server ID section.
  2. Please copy and paste it into the Server ID column shown below.
  3. Select the license and click the Bind Server ID button to generate the license.
  4. Select the license again, then click the Download License button.
1 -> 2 -> 3
1 -> 2 -> 3